Gina Trimarco spoke with CJ Johnson, CEO and founder of the LA-based, award-winning digital agency, Januel+Johnson (J+J). A true creative who started out as a filmmaker, CJ is also an influencer who uses the power of story and narrative to shape his company’s culture and the cultures of the brands he serves at his boutique agency, that he doesn’t really like to call an agency; his agency is more of a “collective think tank” that helps builds brands throughout the world.

Among other accolades, CJ has been featured in publications such as Huffington Post, Fast Company, Forbes, Vice … and now The Pivotal Leader!

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 Podcast Topics Include:

  • Knowing what you stand for to help your clients succeed
  • The power of creative narrative in marketing
  • Utilizing mystery and allure to attract a specific clientele
  • How Hollywood and the fashion world can teach you how to negotiate, stretch a budget and compete in a world of judgmental people
  • Having a strategy in marketing, including the need to niche
  • Being a “taste maker” and trend setter
  • Today’s political climate, boycotts and the fleeting strategy of being “mean spirited”
  • Finding success by being outspoken

More About CJ Johnson & Januel+Johnson

Learn More About Gina Trimarco

Learn More About Pivot10 Results

The Pivotal Leader is a production of Pivot10 Results, a strategy and training company that helps businesses shift from people problems to performance results.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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