INSIDE Inside Sales: Improve Your Skills with Sales Improv with Gina Trimarco

Do you have a problem being authentic with your prospects? If the answer is yes, sales improv is the word!

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl teams up with Gina Trimarco, a rockstar Master Sales Trainer at Sales Gravy, podcaster, improviser, and the Oprah of Outbound, to teach you how to bring the power of improv into your sales process. The two of them will explain why going off the script is actually the willingness to fail, what it means to let go of your ego, and how this can completely transform your sales mindset for the better. Subscribe now and unleash your authentic inner salesperson.

Gina Trimarco Talks Through the Improve Your Skills with Sales Improv


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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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