“I wish there were more hours in the day…”
Have you ever caught yourself saying that? I think we are all guilty of it at some point. And, we ALL have the same 24 hours in a day.
Richard Branson owns 400 companies.
Elon Musk runs 10 companies.
Oprah runs 9 global companies.
Donald Trump runs approximately 500 entities and is currently President of the United States. Love him or hate him, you’ve gotta give him props for fitting more in his day than you probably are…
(And yes, we are aware that that’s one woman and 3 men…keep in mind all the working moms out there who are balancing work, life, and family! Heck, think of the stay-at-home moms balancing multiple kids and all the rest!!)
So, if all these successful people can kick ass at multiple companies AND have a personal life on top of that…you can too!
It’s all about time.
More specifically, it’s about how you use your time.
Check out this Quicky Tip video where Rachel reviews R. Shawn McBride and Shannon J. Gregg’s handy book called It’s About Time (How to Do More of What Matters in the Time You Have):
There are a ton of great tips you can find in Shawn and Shannon’s book. Get it HERE.
One of their tips is to start delegating tasks to free up your time for the more important stuff. Everyone has something they could delegate. You simply need to figure out what tasks you are doing repetitively that are not the highest and best use of your time…and delegate!
Listen to Gina and Rachel discuss how you better Delegate or Die in Episode 3…
When we feel like we don’t have enough time, we tend to get overwhelmed. Another tip Shawn and Shannon offer in their book is to stay calm. Freaking out never helped any problem get solved quicker!
And yep…Gina and Rachel have a bit of experience with overwhelm…listen to Episode 2 for tips on overcoming overwhelm.
Hey…don’t get overwhelmed by our suggestion to pick up Shawn and Shannon’s book. You can read it easily on a quick flight, over morning coffee, or as you wind down one evening. It’s meant to give you easily digestible strategies that you can immediately out to use in your life. Grab your copy HERE.
And wouldn’t you say it’s about time?
Listen to Episode 3: Delegate or Die
Find out how the why’s and how’s of business delegation and how the social media revolution can help you get things done and keep payroll manageable.