Do you consider yourself an introvert?

You might think that only extroverts can be successful salespeople…and you’d be wrong.

“Some of the best salespeople are introverts,” says Trish Bertuzzi, Founder and CEO of The Bridge Group, and author of The Sales Development Playbook. She talks about this subject with Gina and Rachel in Episode 24. 

Trish says that one big mistake that sales trainers and sales coaches make is to think (and teach) that there is only one way to ask for what you want in the sales process. Some salespeople need to be taught to make the ask in a “softer” way, a way they are more comfortable with.

“You have to find what works in alignment with who YOU are,” Gina adds. In some of Gina’s training with Pivot10Results is that they use the “book of play” to compliment the playbook…sometimes you have to get off script to make things flow in the sales process.

Don’t feel like you can’t sell just because you label yourself as an introvert. All you have to do is care.

Trish says, “You can’t teach people how to care.” Hopefully, leadership makes the effort to hire people who care about their clients and customers. Then, the salespeople CAN be taught how to have enthusiasm about what they are selling because of how it can help the person across the table or over the phone to have a better life, improve their business, or whatever the end goal is.

“People can see right through it if you are only reading the script or if you really only care about making the sale rather than make a difference in your prospect’s actual life,” Rachel says.

There are so many amazing nuggets of knowledge that Trish Bertuzzi drops in Episode 24.

Take a listen, take some notes, and then take a moment to grab your copy of The Sales Development Playbook.

Listen to Episode 24

The Sales Development Playbook with Trish Bertuzzi

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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