This blog post was originally written and published by Style & Image Coach Victoria Baird on her website.

Imaging coaching is not only for the rich and famous. I work with many professional women.

Each client is unique in both their style and needs when working with me. Let’s dig right in and I can elaborate on the benefits of working with an expert!

1. Closet Full of Clothes and Nothing to Wear

messy closet

Image courtesy of k barker on Flickr

Is this you? Many women have more than one closet full of clothes and are only wearing 20% of those clothes regularly, whether it be out of habit, laziness, or comfort.

Hiring a professional helps you narrow down those clothes to what actually works for you: colour, shape, and design. You will be shown how to mix and match your existing items, resulting in more options with less clothes.

BONUS: You are left with a neat, organized closet that is pleasing to the eye and makes dressing a whole lot more enjoyable every day!

2. Up-Level Your Clientele

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

If your goal is to attract higher level, higher calibre, higher paying clients, you need to start looking and acting like a high level professional. Your appearance counts, from head-to-toe.

This doesn’t require a brand new wardrobe all at once! Learning how to mix and match existing pieces, how to easily update a hairstyle and becoming aware of your body language is a great starting point.

An Image Coach works with you to determine the areas where you need improvement and helps you create a plan to implement over a specific period of time.

3. Build Self-Confidence

Having clothes that fit properly, wearing colours that make you radiant, styling your hair in a way that complements your face shape, and wearing make-up that suits your skin tone makes a world of difference in gaining back your self-confidence. Focus on your natural beauty. Maximizing the areas you like best will diminish those trouble areas, boosting self esteem. You will walk tall, proud and more confident!

4. Get Clear on Your Personal Style

Lots of women are constantly shopping – trying to keep up with current trends without having any idea what really looks best on them, or what image or style they even want to represent.

An Image Coach works with you to figure out what you like and don’t like, and helps you create a personal style that suits both your professional life and your overall lifestyle.

5. Adapting to Weight Gain or Weight Loss

Significant changes in weight (up or down!) can happen at any time, but most frequently to women following childbirth as well as during the years leading up to and into menopause.

What used to look good doesn’t suit us anymore and many women have no idea how to put outfits together that fit their new bodies. This frustrating time can really do a number on your self-esteem!

An Image Coach will show you how to dress for your new body and leave you feeling good about yourself again.

6. Age-Related Changes

In addition to the menopausal weight gain (mostly around the waist), many women experience other changes including their skin tone, the elasticity of their skin, changes in hair colour and texture, and even possible hair loss.

An Image Coach will teach you new tips and tricks for the mature woman you have become, showing you how to embrace the changes and love yourself in a whole new way.

7. Navigating Through a Life Transition

Graduating and beginning your career. Going back to work after raising children. Getting back in the dating game after a divorce or loss of your spouse. These are all significant times in a woman’s life!

Entering or re-entering the workforce can also be intimidating, especially at interview time. Asking for direction and support from an Image Coach will get you on the right track – looking and feeling good about yourself in a fast and fun way!

Victoria Baird works with professional and entrepreneurial women to discover their personal style, develop their personal image and brand, and build their self-confidence around their own natural beauty, so they can feel great about themselves and stand out from the competition.

Ready to kick your image up a notch?

Meet Victoria at our upcoming Strategic Business Retreat in October!

More about Victoria Baird

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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