A Coach for the Coach: Why A Business Coach is For Everyone

Reasons You Need a Business Coach

You’re here because you recently asked yourself “is coaching worth the investment?” I’m pro coach, for obvious reasons. I’d put myself out of work if I stood here and told you that hiring a coach was unnecessary considering I made a living teaching, training and coaching business men and women from all walks of life long before I hopped aboard the SalesGravy train.

Not only that, throughout my own personal journey I found myself needing my own version of me, my own Gina, someone to guide, motivate and coach me through the various obstacles, goals, and milestones that come with owning your own business. Yes even coaches need coaches.

Look, I know it sounds scary. A bit risky even, you find yourself muttering under your breath ‘there’s no promises.” Let’s face it, there are no promises in this life other than it will end one day. Didn’t mean to get all doom and gloom on you, but irreverence is my language after all.

Coaching is an investment, an investment in yourself and the results you get from it are going to be directly correlated to the work you put in. Translation: you can’t just throw money at a coach and suddenly you’ll be faced with a windfall of new prospects and dollar bills will simply fall from the sky into your bank account. If that were the case I’d have dozens of coaches, coaches to coach my coaches even.

Alas that’s not how it all works. Upon hiring your coach you must be intentional in meeting with them, listening to them, following their advice and doing the work to reach your goals.

And before you email me talking excitedly about a mentor who is going to work with you for free, don’t. Coaching is a simple ‘you get what you pay for’ equation. Are you really going to take advice from someone who doesn’t value their own time enough to charge?

I’m not saying you have to hire me. Finding a coach is a lot like finding a therapist or dating even. Do your research, hire someone with a great track record, who motivates you enough to get the job done and whose values align with yours. Watch out for those whose only advice are vision boards and guided meditations, while helpful, you’re going to need more than arts and crafts to make your dreams a reality.

If I haven’t convinced you to hire a coach yet, check out my blog Investing In a Coach is an Investment In Yourself over at SalesGravy.

If by reading this I’ve convinced you to hire me, great! Let’s chat, email me at gina@salesgravy.com or fill out the Book Gina form.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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