Episode 69: “Survivor-preneurship” and Shifting Toxic Cultures with Paul Szyarto, “The Combat” CEO

“Everyone’s got an idea but not everyone has balls to bring it to market.”

– Paul Szyarto

On this episode of The Pivotal Leader, Gina Trimarco interviewed Paul Szyarto, a globally recognized expert in entrepreneurship, business leadership and self-defense. He is highly sought-after for his executive coaching and business leadership training. Known for applying the principles of Krav Maga – the Israeli self-defense system – into everyday business and life scenarios, Szyarto has trained hundreds of law enforcement professionals and groups of NFL players, in addition to business executives and entrepreneurs. He’s also co-founder of the VMMA Fitness franchise.

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Podcast Topics Include:

  • Paul’s VMAA strategy on martial arts and when VMMA started
  • Turning your hobby into a scalable business
  • Paul explains true entrepreneurship and “survivor-preneurship”
  • Never Broke(n) Paul’s new book on lessons of entrepreneurship and survival
  • Stress Management – Paul talks about one of the greatest lessons on how being adaptable can get you through any situation
  • Paul shares advice to shift a stagnant or toxic organizational culture
  • What to do when there is no one to change poor leadership
  • Motivating and engaging your talent and understanding your talent needs
  • Best practices to ensure being the best possible leader you can be
  • Being a leader and CEO – Paul discusses support and mentorship he needs

More About Gina Trimarco

More About Pivot10 Results

More About Paul Szyarto

At 5 he was bartering in school for toys, 7 was selling custom designed pencils, 8 became the candy man making $200+ per week to help pay for rent and food, 13 began refurbishing and selling car parts, 15 had a dozen “associates” selling radios, 17 he joined the Navy for electrical engineering and ended tracking terrorists, 20 was living in Italy and attending college in Europe, 21 graduated with his first Master’s degree, 22 sold his first business,  23 made his first million, 27 he was building an international company with cumulative revenues over $95M, 31 earned his second Master’s degree, 32 helped dozens of entrepreneurs succeed, 34 invented DELCON to manage $50B in client capital, 35 started his Doctoral studies, 36 he was teaching business at the Wharton School at UPENN, 37 earned a black belt in martial arts, 38 began franchising MMA facilities, and today he continues to build diverse million dollar companies, while mentoring thousands of followers in how to excel in life and business by applying his simple core values.

Paul grew up on the streets of NJ surrounded by violence, without guidance, in a home filled with dysfunction from an abusive alcoholic, drug using father who attempted to kill his mother at the age of 12. Eventually, given an ultimatum by a judge, either join the military or go to jail, he chose the Navy. Within a few years he was managing high-level electrical work in support of anti-terrorist field ops. He earned a bachelor’s through a correspondence program, while in the Navy, and then got a masters from Brandeis, an MBA from Oxford and an advanced training certificate from Wharton/UPenn, where he still guest lectures.

The Pivotal Leader is a production of Pivot10 Results, a strategy and training company that helps businesses shift from people problems to performance results.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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