Episode 0: The Pivotal Leader – Gina Trimarco, Show Host

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Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer of Pivot10 Results (P10) is an international speaker, trainer, business strategist, certified sales coach and serial entrepreneur who helps businesses shift from “people problems” to performance results. And now she’s the host and creator of The Pivotal Leader podcast. Gina also founded and owns Carolina Improv Company, an improv comedy school and theater in Myrtle Beach, SC. Her improv training makes her a dynamic show host who flows with her guests.

This weekly podcast will feature interviews with pivotal and diverse leaders of various industries, geographies and sizes who will share their experiences and stories to inspire rising leaders to shift their own organizational cultures to higher success.

Topics Include:

  • The reason for The Pivotal Leader
  • More about future show guests
  • How Gina merged corporate strategy with improv comedy
  • The importance of culture-building
  • More about Pivot10 Results

Learn More About Pivot10 Results

Learn More About Gina Trimarco

With 20+ years of experience in a variety of industries Gina has worked in most areas of business including as a Marketing Director, Sales Director, PR Director, Publicist, Operations Manager, Media Buyer, Video Producer and the all-so-important “General Manager”.  From training and developing employees to analyzing profit and loss statements, she understands business and how to scale one. She has personal experience launching a business during a recession and then growing it into additional businesses. Industry experience includes hospitality, entertainment, franchises, medical, associations and financial.

As the Chief Results Officer of Pivot10 Results she designs, develops and delivers strategic training programs that address overall company culture, integrating leadership, sales and customer service skills with a focus on fixing “people problems”. Her goal is to teach businesses that meeting sales goals and delivering stellar customer service starts with acknowledging communication and leadership challenges first. Further, her philosophy is that organizations with the best ROI for training programs are those that also invest their time post-training to ensure sustainability, utilizing experiential learning tools and strategies provided by P10.

Her “street cred” is pretty darn good but what really sets her apart is her formal training in applied improv training for business. To succeed and profit in business you need to be able to improvise and function without a “script”. Your team needs to be adaptable on sales calls, during financial hard times, when confronted with challenging people. They need to quickly pivot to a better place and not let anyone see them sweat.

A true Chicago native, Gina graduated from DePaul University, in addition to training at the famed Second City Conservatory and Players Workshop of Second City.   Additionally, she is a certified sales coach with Tim Hagen’s Progress Coaching System. Gina now resides in Myrtle Beach, SC where she no longer has to dig out a parking place during a Chicago winter.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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