Episode 30: The Pivotal Leader with Janine Iannarelli, Par Avion President

“Reach across the table and make things happen.” – Janine Iannarelli

In this episode of The Pivotal Leader, Gina Trimarco spoke to Janine Iannarelli, international aircraft broker and Founder/President of Par Avion Ltd based in Houston, Texas. Janine is considered a pioneer among women in the aviation industry with over 30 years of aviation business experience. having represented numerous corporations and private individuals worldwide with respect to both the sale and purchase of business aircraft.

Par Avion is an aircraft marketing firm that specializes in the exclusive representation and acquisition of business aircraft and whose area of expertise lends itself to the Bombardier, Citations, Falcons, Gulfstreams, Hawkers, and Phenom product lines.

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Podcast Topics Include:

  • Buying and selling aircrafts
  • Surviving and thriving in economic downturns
  • Key Strategies for success: Flexibility and Dealing with Mercurial Prospects
  • Core Values start with Family Values (upbringings)
  • Strategies for women in male-dominated industries
  • How horse riding prepares one for business success
  • The power of listening
  • Preparing for financial security

More About Janine Iannarelli & Par Avion

Learn More About Gina Trimarco

Learn More About Pivot10 Results

The Pivotal Leader is a production of Pivot10 Results, a strategy and training company that helps businesses shift from people problems to performance results.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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