Take A Vacation

take a vacation

Selling is a grind.

As salespeople, we’re conditioned to keep hustling on weekends, days off and setting our OOO message to “will continue to have access to email” and providing our cell numbers for “emergencies.” Because the “what if I miss a deal” paranoia is very real.

But what if you’re jeopardizing your best self because you’re burnt out and lack boundaries?

And before you start sweating missed opportunities, let’s channel the late, great Carmie Trimarco (my dad) who often reminded me “If you miss a bus, there’s always another one coming.” A point a former boss reiterated years later when they reminded me “your inbox will never be empty.”

My fellow hustlers and high achievers are rolling their eyes right now.

Look, I get it. For most of us, taking time off takes effort. But vacations have been proven to increase energy, reduce fatigue, improve mood and leave you feeling more satisfied. So let me ask you, which version of you is going to close more deals? The exhausted-irritable-running-on-fumes-and-iced-coffee version of you or the one who has just returned from a week-long getaway at the family mountain home?

And not only do vacations have proven health benefits like improved mental health, better heart health and increases in quality sleep, but time off can also increase productivity, improve creativity and strengthen your existing relationship while improving your chances of establishing new ones.

That’s right, 10 days abroad could actually improve your job performance.
A long weekend at the beach could increase your sales.
A week-long mountain getaway could help you destress enough to truly connect with new prospects.

And at the very least, you’ll have way cooler stories that you can use to grab their attention. No one wants to hear about how you had takeout for the 5th night in a row because you never get home in time to whip up a homecooked meal, but they do want to hear about your luxurious trip to Italy where you discovered your passion for architecture that inspired you to pursue real estate. See what I did there.

I can help you craft stories just like that in my Selling With Stories Workshop over at Sales Gravy University. But first, vacation. The next class isn’t until August 10th. Which gives you just enough time to take a quick trip. I look forward to seeing you in class when you get back!

Questions about Selling With Stories, or any of my other courses? Contact me HERE.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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