Leveraging To Level Up

“Leveraging” and “Leveling Up” are common phrases in business, especially coaching. They may even be overused and yet they’re worth discussion for anyone trying to drive revenue or scale a business.

In the world of improv comedy, we constantly talk about “heightening the scene” through the philosophy and application of “yes, and” (acceptance, validation and collaboration of ideas). To heighten a scene, the performer has to play a bigger game and make better and bolder choices. If the audience laughs at something, the performer knows to stay on that theme and heighten it to get a bigger laugh.

In business, if you pitch an idea that resonates with a customer, you will most likely close the deal. This is where sales people often stop the process. They win the business and move on to the next deal. A bigger, and more profitable, choice would be to leverage an existing customer with the next product or service that offers even bigger pay offs. Maybe that’s not an option or is too big of a challenge in your business. Instead of over thinking this, try smaller goals or revenue generating activities.

Here are some examples of activities and situations I leverage to generate more or new business:

Podcasting – my first podcast, The Pivotal Leader, was designed as a way to spotlight my ideal client avatars (CEOs, founders and presidents) so that I could build relationships with decision makers I want access to. People often ask “How do you make money with podcasts?” Podcasting is long game strategy that works. It has allowed me to build a bigger network in other cities, which has resulted in new clients in geographical areas I never expected. Podcast #2, Women Your Mother Warned You About, is still new as of this writing and has resulted in a new network of followers and fans, plus my first customer for our online course (Spontaneous Selling 1.0).

Travel – if you travel for professional, or even personal reasons, you can build a bigger network that can lead to more revenue. I always try to build in an extra day on all of my trips, including vacations, so that I can meet with people who could potentially be clients for referral sources. Whenever possible, face to face meetings are the best way to build rapport and trust. The “Hey, I’m in town”message also is disarming because it sounds like a request for a casual meeting with a friend, which it is. Plus, it’s one more “touch point” opportunity. And if you own a business, there’s a good chance you can write off some of your personal travel if you’re doing business (check with your CPA).

Speaking – for those of you who use speaking as a way to make money or get marketing exposure, especially at conferences with other speakers, extend yourself to other speakers who can become referral sources. Meeting planners don’t want the same speakers every year, so if you’re not going to get booked again for a particular conference, why not recommend a speaker colleague of yours instead?! It puts you in a positive light and creates reciprocity with other speakers. You can apply this same concept if you’re a trainer or coach.

How Will You Leverage & Level Up?

What gets planned, gets done! Make a list for yourself of current business and personal activities that may lend themselves to helping you “heighten the scene” and thicken your wallet. You have more opportunities than you realize!

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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