Episode 26: The Pivotal Leader – Ambar Januel

In this episode of The Pivotal Leader, Gina Trimarco interviewed Ambar Januel, acclaimed contemporary artist, creative director, and the co-founder of Januel+Johnson.

Her well-documented travels and unique perspective on life has led to an illustrious career. During her childhood she traveled often with her family, moving from place to place like artistic hippie nomads. From the jungles of Mexico to the frozen mountains of Vermont, Ambar embarked on journey after journey that would leave a lasting-mark on her artistic sensibilities. Her eclectic style presents a reflective growth of the adventures where she shifted between art and fashion, utilizing her intuitive mindset and artistic skills to help various fashion startups develop their vision.

Now, Ambar continues to grow her artistic catalogue and provide creative strategies for brands and professionals through her business.

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Podcast Topics Include:

  • How travel experiences and exposure to cultures can shape businesses
  • Managing a team of creative artists
  • Creating systems and processes to figure out and avoid “time wasters”
  • How the fashion industry impacts marketing trends
  • Attracting clients through speaking and networking instead of traditional advertising
  • The power journalists have on brands
  • Selling services that cannot promise ROI
  • The need for sales teams, beyond marketing

More About Ambar Januel

Learn More About Gina Trimarco

Learn More About Pivot10 Results

The Pivotal Leader is a production of Pivot10 Results, a strategy and training company that helps businesses shift from people problems to performance results.

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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