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“You need a great brand to propagate a culture. It’s hard to keep everything aligned without a strong brand,” says Mario Natarelli, managing partner of MBLM, the brand intimacy agency which is brands and technology. In this episode, Mario and I talked about the power of brand intimacy to create emotional connections with customers and how great brands build great cultures. According to MBLM’s Brand Intimacy 2017 Report, which is the largest study of brands based on emotions, top ranked intimate brands continued to outperform the S&P and Fortune 500 indices in revenue and profit over the past 10 years.

Mario’s career started as an architect where he learned how to balance art with science. In his perspective, in architecture you need a strong theory, focus and belief system and this parallels what it takes to be a great brand and culture.

Podcast Topics Include:

  • The definition of brand intimacy and why it matters
  • Building stronger bonds with customers
  • The role emotions play in ranking brands
  • The top ranking brands based on brand intimacy
  • The brand that ranks highest with Millennials
  • What takes priority? A strong culture or a strong brand?
  • How the short term “fix” can hurt your brand and culture
  • The partnership model for leading a multidisciplinary, multicultural and multigenerational team looking to expertly solve problems

More About Mario Natarelli

More About Gina Trimarco

Learn More About Pivot10 Results

The Pivotal Leader is a production of Pivot10 Results, a strategy and training company that helps businesses shift from people problems to performance results.



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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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