

Make a List, Check it Twice

You make grocery lists so you don’t end up with a cart full of nonsense. You make ‘to do’ lists to keep your day on track. You make bucket lists for motivation in achieving life goals. So if lists have the ability to help us set concrete objectives, aid in remembering important information and take...
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Gina Trimarco

Influencer Of Tomorrow Show: Leveraging Relationships To Borrow Influence

How do you work with others to use their relationships to enhance other relationships? How can you make relationship building work even more for you? Join Our Shawn McBride and George Hendley for the Influencer of Tomorrow(TM) Show as they explore what they are seeing and what we all need for the future. Gina Trimarco, sales expert and co-host...
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Work-life Balance: Does it Even Exist?

“I just started calling the office every day and figured out who everybody was. A month and a half in, they invited me up for an interview. Like with anything in sales, the stuff you really want, it’s never going to be the easy stuff. The dream clients are never the easy ones. The people...
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Episode 74: How Women Rise In Leadership with Sally Helgesen

“You don’t become confident and then act confident. You act your way into confidence.” – Sally Helgesen On this episode of The Pivotal Leader, Gina Trimarco interviewed Sally Helgesen, International Speaker, Leadership Consultant & Author. In her newest book, How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or...
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