
women your mother warned you about

Think Like a Buyer!

Think about the last time you went shopping for something… You walk in the store and the salesperson approaches… How do you feel? I’m sure you can think of all kinds of scenarios. When YOU are selling your product or service, if you think like a buyer, you’ll find a much higher level of success....
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Habits: How to Replace the Bad with the Good

Habit = a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. So, what would happen if you replaced ONE bad habit with a good one? In Episode 20, Tom Ziglar explains how replacing just ONE bad habit with a good one, and doing this on a consistent basis, can...
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Want a competitive advantage in sales? Understand when your buyers are “in my feels”. Buying is emotional. We all know this. Your buyers often come from a place of fear of making a bad buying decision. It’s also a good reminder that selling also is emotional. More importantly, recognize when you yourself are “in my...
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Work-life Balance: Does it Even Exist?

“I just started calling the office every day and figured out who everybody was. A month and a half in, they invited me up for an interview. Like with anything in sales, the stuff you really want, it’s never going to be the easy stuff. The dream clients are never the easy ones. The people...
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Delegate or Die: What to Do When Disaster Strikes!

Gina and Rachel have learned the hard way about delegation. Gina fractured her wrist at the end of 2018. Rachel managed to fracture her ankle in Spring of 2019. (Graceful ladies that they are….) Injuries like these showed the women of WYMWYA how important it is to delegate activities so your business can keep going at...
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Overwhelm: How to Overcome the Inevitable in Life and Business

The feeling of overwhelm is one we can all relate to, regardless of the fact that you are a woman or man, working or stay-at-home caregiver. Overwhelm is a killer. It can kill your business and it can destroy your health. In Episode 2, Gina and Rachel discuss how feelings of overwhelm can show up...
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Ask for Help…and Get More of What You Want!

Sales Tips from Gina: Asking For Help Builds Relationships “Excuse me sir, can I have some more?” is what goes through my mind lately while traveling and needing to ask for help constantly! Several months ago I broke my right wrist, which required two surgeries and a lot of challenges since I’m right-handed. Not to...
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