Is this Women Your Mother Warned You About or You vs. Wild with Bear Grylls? Usually we describe episodes featuring Rachel Pitts and Gina Trimarco as ‘a bit rogue’ but this week’s episode should be labeled “Going Rugged” as Rachel recounted stories about turkey hunting and wood chopping and how she perfected her axe swinging...Read More
In 1986 Robert Fulghum published a collection of personal essays titled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. The title comes from an essay in which Fulghum muses over a list of things taught in a kindergarten classroom and how the world would be a much more peaceful place if people continued...Read More
The world is shutdown and the United States is closed for business. Those in positions of power have announced that they hope to turn on the open light sometime mid-May but that’s still weeks away and as Stephen King once said ‘you can wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which fills up...Read More