
common sense

Creating Customer Experiences Instead of Transactions: My Zappos Experience Part 3

This is Part 3 in my series of “What I Learned at Zappos Culture Camp” By Gina Trimarco What does it mean to “create an experience” for customers (and employees) beyond a “transaction” (exchange of money for a service or product)? A recent transaction I had was on my least favorite airlines, Spirit, in which...
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The Ask-For-Forgiveness-Later Empowerment Strategy: My Zappos Experience Part 2

This is Part 2 of a series about: “What I Learned at Zappos Culture Camp” By Gina Trimarco What inspired me the most about spending time at Zappos Culture Camp was witnessing empowerment in action. Their employees make decisions almost without thinking twice, as if it were an innate skill to respond quickly in the...
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“Culture Building” – The New “Team Building” Strategy: My Zappos Experience Part 1

This is Part 1 of a series about: “What I Learned at Zappos Culture Camp” By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Successful companies are companies that give amazing service to their customers through the assistance of happy and empowered employees, right? Seems simple enough in theory but so many businesses struggle with this winning combination....
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“Oh yay, another team building event”, said no one ever!

UPDATED on October 8, 2018 By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer What do you think of when you hear the words “team building”? What does it mean to YOU? I’ll tell you what I think … Oh no, another potential client who THINKS they need team building. Potential clients often find us through a google...
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Are Your Vendors A Good Fit For Your Company Culture?

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Being a “good fit” for a company does not pertain to only your employees. Having a healthy company culture requires every human interaction to be in alignment with your organization, including your employees, customers AND vendors. This seems like a simple philosophy but is often overlooked. We “settle” for...
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It Sounds Simple, But What’s Your Company’s Purpose?

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer The first time I wrote a REAL business plan was when I entertained the idea of buying a franchise. I knew I wanted to be my own boss and do my own thing. A former boss had even inspired me by saying “When you’re the President of the company...
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The End Of Summer Is The Beginning of Crushing Q4

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer All summer long it’s so normal to get those reply emails that start with “I’m on vacation until xyz date.” It’s a CRM juggling game of proving to your bosses that you really, truly are following up on new business but “they’re on vacation, I left a message” becomes...
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Finding Good Employees – Ask Yourself “Why”

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer “We can’t find good employees” is a phrase I continue to hear from nearly every client. No matter what the industry or geography this sentiment is shared often. And while we are a smaller company that doesn’t depend on many employees to manage our businesses, I do have many...
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Common Sense Customer Service – That’s The (Meal) Ticket!

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer How is it that the employees of the same company can differ so much when it comes to customer service? This is a question of training versus common sense but really it comes down to hiring culture. I recently attended a client’s annual meeting and awards dinner at a...
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