It’s no secret that we’re in the business of making everything sexy. 

Admittedly we didn’t have to try very hard this week, some might even say we cheated, since the topic of our newest episode is already the epitome of sexy. 

Bosom. Décollatage. Bust. Hooters. Breasts. Sweater puppies. Boobs. Whatever you want to call them, this week’s guest is all about making them look their best. And since co host Rachel Pitts was eager to enhance hers but didn’t want to end up looking like Annie Hawkins-Turner and her 48V’s, he’s the man she went to see. 

Dr. Steven K. White of the Carolina Coastal Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, American Board of Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. He’s also a contributing expert for the popular book “Be Your Best: A Comprehensive Guide to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.” 

In fewer words, he’s one of the best in the biz. 

So what was Rachel’s motivation? Nicole Scherzinger. 

“I was watching the new release of The Pussycat Dolls Reunion Tour and I was looking at the lead singer and I’m like ‘she looks freaking good.’” In all seriousness though “[I was] pretty much at a point where I was happy with my body and I [wanted] to feel even better about myself.”

That kind of motivation is Dr. White’s dream; a patient who is doing the surgery for themselves. 

“I would say no to the person that’s coming in and saying  ‘I’m getting this breast augmentation for my boyfriend or my husband’. That right away tells me I will not operate on that person because they don’t know their own identity.” Fortunately for him the trend of doing it for other people is on the downturn. “In the last several years, [patients] have been telling me that they are doing the surgery for themselves and I’ve been really pleased about that. It makes me feel good that [women] know their own identity. They’re just owning their issues and taking care of themselves.”

How else do you get turned down for cosmetic surgery at the hands of Dr. White?  You fail the 50% rule.

“We’re all crazy” he jokes “You know there’s different elements of crazy, different percentages. You don’t want to operate on a patient that’s over 50%. If you try to keep it 50% or less then you’re good to go. I mean if I didn’t operate on crazy I wouldn’t be able to run a 15,000 square foot surgery center with 18 employees.”

Of course Dr. White went over the risks and the rewards but he also lended his professional opinion as to what you should look for in a plastic surgeon if you happen to live outside of the Myrtle Beach area and are unable to see him. Experience is important and they should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, those go without saying but Dr. White also encourages you to find someone you’re comfortable with. “Quite frankly, a lot of doctors do not have personalities and they can’t get on that level with the patient. When you come into the room and meet him or her, you want to feel comfortable with them.”

Ready to move forward on your own plastic surgery journey?  All of Dr. White’s patients start with a consultation and you can get that information by visiting  

Not ready for that next step? We urge you to check out Episode 72 with Dr. White and the Women Your Mother Warned You About for more free advice and personal experience!

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About the author

Gina Trimarco is a native of Chicago and CEO/Founder of Pivot10 Results and Carolina Improv Company. She has 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and people training. Gina combines street smarts and improv comedy skills with her experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, which sets her apart from her competition.

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