

Sift Before You Shift

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Every November, I make time to look at our business and ask the challenging question: “What’s not working and needs to be improved?” Then, I get to work on the following year’s business plan, as I was groomed to do in my corporate  days. This year the process was more...
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The Magical Power Of “Believe” In Business

By Karen Stone Mickool On the side of a New York City building that stretches a full block in both directions, the lights come up as dusk falls to illuminate one word…. The building, of course is the iconic Macy’s Department Store and the word—outlined in lights and tinsel—BELIEVE This might be the single most...
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You Don’t Need An MBA To Be Awesome In Business

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Imagine a flea market setting where the following conversation transpires: Buyer: How much for the toaster? Vendor: Five dollars Buyer: I’ll give you three. Vendor: It’s five. Buyer: Four. Vendor: Five. Buyer: [mumbles under his breath and walks away disgusted] Ten minutes later the buyer comes back. Buyer: I’ll take that...
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Keeping the Happy in the Holidays and in Your Business

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Contributor: Karen Stone Mickool, Culture Curation Specialist Secret Santas, potluck luncheons, party planning, cookie exchanges, school concerts, class parties…chances are you and your employees are involved in at least a few of the above.  Not to mention, cyber shopping, meal planning, travel arrangements and more—all done from the “privacy”...
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Having A Strategy For 2017 Is Like Dancing Without Falling … You Can Do It!

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer ‘Tis the season when many of us feel the end-of-year stress in business, as we race to just get to the holidays to take some time off before jumping in again in January to kick off a fresh and better year all over again. Yes, I know that was...
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Strategies For Overcoming Post-Election Productivity Problems

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog about “How The Presidential Campaign is Hurting Your Business”. I think many of us are shocked by the results. I posed the following questions on Oct. 31: How are you managing this right now to meet employee needs and calm...
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What If You Could Only Hire Trump or Clinton For Your Business?

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer We all know that finding the best talent takes effort, intention, time and money. It’s not an overnight process IF you want people who fit the culture. And sometimes it could take months, even years to find the right people for top leadership positions. Hiring the wrong leader can...
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How The Presidential Campaign Is Hurting Your Business Beyond The Obvious

By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer Are you ready for this presidential election to be over? I think we all are at this point, from a personal point of view. How about your organization? Is it ready for the election to be over? How has this campaign affected your company culture, thus far? Yes, I’m...
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Warning: The Employee “Plateau” is Your Enemy! How To Train & Retain – Zappos, Part 5

This is Part 5 (and the last) in my series of “What I Learned at Zappos Culture Camp” By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer “Unhappy people are unhappy because they plateau. Employees always want to grow. It’s the key to retention,” said a Zappos “People Development” team member during my Zappos Culture Camp experience. When...
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Recruiting Is A Gamble. How Lucky Are You? My Zappos Experience – Part 4

Recruiting is a gamble. How lucky are you? – This is part 4 in my series of “What I Learned At Zappos Culture Camp”. By Gina Trimarco, Chief Results Officer The most common challenge our clients articulate to us is “We can’t find good employees? They just don’t exist in [insert city name] because in...
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